About Us

Marketers Launchpad was created by a dedicated group of people who are passionate about giving people a hand up. We cooperate and share resources as a team to provide products, services, and learning opportunities we could not do individually. We combine our more than 318 years of computer experience, 251 years in business, and 129 years online to help you be successful.

  • Everything we offer has to pass our test first. We use what we recommend.
  • Learn from seasoned pros, self-paced learning, our Knowledge Base, and each other
  • Be a part of a friendly, helpful community that strives to “pay it forward”

We are deeply committed to the Principles of Candor, Cooperation, and Compassion, and to living these Values:


At the core of everything we do, for the benefit of everyone


The building blocks of progress, relationships, and fun


Clear and open communication is the foundation of everything


The starting point of improving ourselves and our world


The fuel that drives us and our actions to be our best, always


We’re all in this together and we want all of us to succeed

Marketers LaunchPad Founding Members

Hans Anderson

Hans was an enigma from day one. Born Hans Kristian Anderson in Ontario, Canada on the 4th of July, he adds to ETBC’s international flair. He has a cache of skills gained from hard work and applying himself. His list of jobs starts at age 15 working in a moving business with his father and includes almost 40 years of working with the people. Not the least of his accomplishments is his time spent in the Canadian Armed Forces.

All of Hans’ knowledge has been put to good use these past 10 years as a digital marketer, helping his clients with affiliate marketing, article and social media marketing, and local business marketing. As a side note, don’t mess with Hans, he can bench press 440 lbs.

Lois Duwenhoegger

“I can’t” is not a concept Lois understands; comparing histories with her would intimidate most. Growing up on a remote ranch in the Black Hills of South Dakota taught her to work hard and enjoy nature, all animals, and her large family. She has been an EMT, Logger, Fire Fighter, Safety Specialist, Accident Investigator, and Family Liaison Officer. Lois spent 25 years operating all the equipment on a surface mine, including the big shovels used to dig dirt and coal. However, she’s now proudly working for the Dept. of Labor inspecting mines to keep miners safe.

Her “me time” is spent outdoors hiking, camping, rappelling, ziplining, riding her Harley, contributing to Marketers LaunchPad, or volunteering to work with kids and the Special Olympics. (You have to know it’s hard working with such a dull person.) Lois spent 13 years cutting her computer teeth on unfriendly government programs that no one uses but the Government, but that made learning normal online programs easy by comparison. Lois’ best business asset is her ability to stick with it until she succeeds.

Deryck Jones

Deryck is like an iceberg — there’s more there than you’d ever suspect. A B.S. in Industrial Technology and Manufacturing and Electrical Engineering. And an M.S. in Information Technology and Digital Communications plus numerous certifications in electronics, networking, GPS, GIS, management, process engineering, software development, etc., etc., etc. (You get the drift, he knows what he’s doing -- afterall, he is the original creator of Marketers LaunchPad).

In his 45 years of computer and business work, he has founded, developed, grown, and sold companies, making his first $Million in 1988. If you’re into name dropping, he can do that, too; he has worked with the world’s biggest companies and people in the software, computer, and telecommunications industries. In 2002, Deryck was named as one of the top 100 CIO’s in North America by Computerworld Magazine.

However, never stuck behind a desk in his youth, this disabled Marine Vet enjoyed rock climbing, mountaineering, and cliff diving. His current passion is helping people launch and grow their businesses, mentoring them to be successful.

Joseph Jones

Joseph “TechAdict” Jones really lives up to his nom de plume. He has been online since “online” began and has worked with computers for over 25 years. An Army Vet, TechAdict earned a degree in Electrical Engineering and has 15 years experience as a manufacturing Technician/Engineer. Like a lot of left-brain computer addicts he is self-taught in a lot of what he does. This includes becoming a wildly proficient web designer. It’s in his blood. So much so that even when he’s not working he’s playing with computers and thrives on helping people understand computers and learn to overcome being intimidated by computers and tech.

When Joseph is away from his tech world, you’ll find him outdoors. The call of nature is the only thing he can hear over the hum of his tech. He keeps his world interesting with yoga or camping or just about anything that is outdoors.

Rich McGuire

Rich brings heart and soul to everything he does. As a Minister, he helps others succeed and ETBC is gratefully benefiting from his unique set of skills. He is a retired Federal Law Enforcement Officer with over 20 years in Business Fraud investigations and Risk Management. He also has 25 years in computer experience, earned certification in Lean Six Sigma business process improvement, and is ASI certified as a Protection Professional.

Rich’s multi-tasking skills were finely honed as a single parent raising three sons, who are learning to be part of Rich’s business. Rich’s “me time” is spent reading or studying or beating on his drum set.

Gary Morgan

Gary can definitely hold his own in any group, with a MBA in finance, a B.S. in accounting, 35 years of computer experience, 30 years of online expertise, and 42 years in the business world, he brings more to the table than just his good sense of humor. Although his accomplishments include executive leadership, consulting, finance and accounting, digital marketing, and sales/business development, his 37-year marriage and family are one of his proudest accomplishments.

Gary not only has a background in helping startups and small companies grow into successful entities but thrives on helping others. When he’s not involved in an enterprise of some kind, you can find him on the golf course or watching a Penn State game.

Olive Oliver

One of Marketers LaunchPad’s international catches is from across the Pond. Olive lives in London and for over 20 years has been able to do what she enjoys — successfully manage IT and Information Systems for organizations of all sizes, large and small. Her dedication to her clients and their satisfaction is only one of the attributes that made her such a good fit with Marketers LaunchPad. She understands the challenges small business owners face and has the expertise and ability to guide and explain the ever-changing online marketing techniques businesses must incorporate in order to succeed.

If you’re ever in London and need recommendations for the best cultural retreats (art galleries, museums, and her favorite, The Globe Theatre), she’s your go-to guide.

Ann Phifer

Always trying to keep her mind busy, Ann has dabbled in various different business fields. Although she has been a licensed Realtor and Insurance Agent, and worked with CEOs and Corporate Lawyers (not to mention being a substitute teacher), her favorite job was forensic bookkeeping to uncover embezzlement and theft.

Ann has three girls whom she homeschooled when the circumstances called for it. All three skipped grades and graduated early. During 30 years in the business world, she trained and coached others on the most recent computer programs and uses. Ann loves learning and sharing with others to help them achieve their goals. Her happy place is the beach.

Dr. Lois Reid

Lois prefers to be called Dr. Lois rather than Dr. Reid. She has her Ed.D. in Adult Education and Leadership and has put it to very good use. Dr. Lois spent 22 years as a College Administrator and 11 years as an adjunct faculty member. The main requirements of her career may have been administration, supervision, budget, crisis response, training, and curriculum design; but her passions were strategy, development, research, and coaching.

Like most of the ETBC founders, she has years (25) of computer and online (15) experience. Dr. Lois learned follow through early on, being the daughter of a minister. She doesn’t do things half-way, in school she lettered in volleyball, basketball, and tennis. She has the patience for quilting, but really proved her perseverance by losing 100 pounds.

Peter Rondinelli

Peter is definitely another feather in Marketers LaunchPad’s cap and trying to categorize him as just another successful businessman with over 27 years of computer and business experience falls short. To start, he was born near Rome, Italy as Gianpiero Rondinelli (say that 3 times fast!), but moved to Pittsburgh, PA at the age of 3, growing up in the USA. He has owned and run several consulting and marketing firms. However, he is happiest when being a mentor to other business owners. He says he learns best by teaching; this is probably why he is spends time volunteering and acting as Chairman Pro-Tempore to an international non-profit. A word of advice, though, don’t try bluffing should you come up against him in a poker game, he’s very good.

Chuck Spangler

Marketers LaunchPad seems to attract the best of the best and Chuck is no exception. For seven years he served our country as an Avionics Technician in the USAF. He has been to places few others have been or would want to go; he was in the first Gulf War and spent a couple of weeks in Saudi Arabia. Once his military service was done, like a few others in Marketers LaunchPad, he hit the ground running. Besides nurturing three children with his wife, he has participated as a partner in businesses designed to nurture other individuals’ dreams and aspirations. His 26 years in IT, mostly as a computer chip designer, has afforded him opportunities to do what he enjoys most: play Boy Scout. He’s always prepared and actively looks to do a good turn daily.

Lynn True

Lynn, in one word, is eclectic. Her freelance background includes: communication design, print and electronic publishing, personal and professional development, wellness, Accelerated Learning, business identity, digital marketing, and process improvement. Lynn’s Superpower is translating complex topics into easy-to-understand text and visuals—probably something she picked up editing for more than 45 years.

Her resume is boring when compared to her life experiences. She is a retired psych RN, USAF Veteran, has 35 years computer experience (30 years of it online) and 30 years experience in the freelance business world. But then, she has also done residential design and remodeling, and she designs and sews some of her own clothes. Never underestimate Lynn, she can drive a rig, too.

Marketers LaunchPad is a business incubator and accelerator for people who want to learn about and provide digital marketing services for entrepreneurs and local businesses.

Copyright ETBC / Marketers LaunchPad 2019-2021 - All Rights Reserved

Marketers LaunchPad is the best investment you can make on your marketing journey!

Copyright ETBC / Marketers LaunchPad 2019-2020 - All Rights Reserved

Marketers LaunchPad is the best investment you can make on your marketing journey!